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SPIRE Provides Equipments for the Center of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) at Unsyiah


Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) is one of universities involved in SPIRE Project, funded by the European Commission for Strengthening the Management. Several programs have been implemented to improve the capacity building in the form of training in the European and Asian countries. The program not only supports the capacity building but also provides equipments to strengthen the Center for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) at Unsyiah.

On February 20, 2019, Prof. Samadi, as the Coordinator for the SPIRE Project at Unsyiah symbolically handed over SPIRE equipments to the Rector of Unsyiah, Prof. Dr. Ir. Samsul Rizal, M.Eng. The equipments will be used to support the operational of the Center of IPR at Unsyiah. They will be placed at the right location, for example, the server will be placed at the university data center, while other equiptments will be placed in the Center of IPR and the Institute of Research and Community Services (LPPM).

“We are happy to witness that SPIRE Project has provided the Center of IPR at Unsyiah with adequate equipments. We expect that with these new equipments, the Center of IPR can move faster to support and help the inventors in submitting and managing their potential Intellectual Property Rights”, said the Rector. The Chair of LPPM, Dr. Taufik Fuadi Abidin added that with the new server, the website of the Center at can now be hosted in that new server. In addition, the server large storage space can also be used for the IPR Center to store documents and place the backup data.

Dr. Abdullah, the head of the Center of IPR mentioned that the support given by SPIRE Project on the University's Intellectual Property, including equipments, is really in line with the center objectives and it is a great help for the researchers and students in filling their IPR. Moreover, in the last decade, Indonesian government gives strong support to research and development. Similarly, rigorous support also given to the publication of the research results finding, and in the last couple years, research with products oriented are also given priority in getting research fund.

These new equipments hopefully can increase the morale of the management at the Center of IPR to optimize the performance of the center. It is like a dream come true”, said Zulfadhli, the members of the SPIRE program at Unsyiah.

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